Aug 5, 2009

The Soundcaster - Unhinged

Unhinged? Awkward cringe.

When I was younger, I shared my friend’s garage with his impressive bong collection, and every Saturday I would be woken by the neighbor’s band. This takes me back there. The Soundcasters’ Unhinged is a 10-song release covering such subject matter as: sorrow, lost love, nocturnal needs, apathy and hate. Unhinged’s opening track, My Golden One, features Clint Morrow’s morose and atonal voice repeating phrases such as I’m out of my mind and Where have you been/ Where is my mind/ I wanna live/ I wanna die like mantras. Each song averages about 4.3 minutes, which seems excessive – largely due to uninspired lyrics which display the emotional and lyrical maturity of an emotionally stunted 12 year old. Personally, if the vocals were somehow removed, I would find this album relatively inoffensive and listenable. The verses of Inner Demons provide melodic vocals, contrasting nicely with simplistic guitar ornamentation before diving into a more driving rock chorus. The Soundcasters certainly aren’t the worst rock band I’ve even heard… they are simply consistent sounding dude-rock akin to musical oatmeal.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps you'd care to explain how this album is misogynistic, as you have tagged it above? Or do you not know what this word means, merely using it as a tag to appear cool and smart?

    Your response goes here...
